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2726 Lynn Avenue
Fort Wayne, IN, 46805
United States

Why Choose Pine Hill



Contrary to most schools, we allow the parents to choose when the child comes to school, regardless of his age, until the start of Kindergarten. While most choose a Monday / Wednesday / Friday pattern, or all five days, parents may opt for a staggered schedule to match their employment hours. For example, a child might come on Tuesday and Wednesday morning and Friday afternoon. Or another might come five mornings a week and two afternoons, giving that child two full days in addition to mornings. The minimum for half-days is three per week.

Our sessions are three hours, rather than the two-and-a-half that most schools offer.

Pine Hill is one of the few schools with a multi-age population, offering the many advantages that educators are now saying is the most beneficial environment for children. 

While other preschools offer Spanish "lessons" at certain times during the week, and there is one Spanish immersion elementary school, we are currently the only preschool with a foreign language immersion program. 

We have acquired many Montessori materials and incorporated certain Montessori principles into our program. 

Our student-teacher ratio in First and Second grades is 1 to 8, in Kindergarten is 1 to 12, and in Preschool is 1 to 7. We occasionally have a student teacher sent to us, lowering that ratio even more.

Because learning doesn't just occur in the classroom, our upper grades engage in 10-12 field trips and community service projects throughout the year. These field trips are incorporated into our lesson plans and each student's year-long journal project.